Public relations is about reputation - the result of what you do, what you say and what others say about you.

Sunday 22 November 2009

Marketing art online and how it could help you

I've been taking some time out from work recently. I've returned to a great passion of mine, which is drawing. I was pretty good at art at school but never made anything of it because I didn't practice enough. I've dabbled back and forth over 20 years, doing night classes in Hong Kong and at Edinburgh Art College but didn't really put my heart and soul in to it or went to classes every week due to work commitments. So I eventually gave it up. But with time on my hands just now, I've started classes on Lamma Island where I live, and love it. So what has this got to do with this blog? Well, I've also recently learned a few practical PR tips from the art world in the past six weeks that I'd like to share with you

While researching advice on how to draw better, I came across thousands of artists who integrate blogs, websites, Facebook, trade magazines and Etsy (online craft mart similar to ebay) to market their art.  Press coverage on their work is featured on their blogs (and websites) together with exhibition details, videos of their work and tips/advice to other artists.  Visitors to their blogs can register for updates via email and RSS, so maintaining engagement with their audiences. Some artists have their own shops too. The artists integrate all these communications channels and methods to produce powerful, and reasonably priced, campaigns.

One such artist who has embraced new media and social marketing is ADEBANJI ALADE, from London, England. You can find his blog here. He has had the blog since 2006 and it includes video tips, links to his website, his drawings, magazines he likes, other artists he likes, exhibitions, his awards and links to work he has done with third parties. Alade''s biography is fascinating too.

One of Alade's sketches from his blog

Alade at work

The internet has given artists an amazing portal to reach their audiences, build their reputation and sell their work. Small businesses everywhere could learn a lot from them.

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